Getting Started

This procedure guides you through registering an account, creating a new database, setting an API access key, managing the database, then using the API to crate tables, insert data and modifying the data.

1. Create an Account

Go to SQLiteDB to create your user account. You will need a valid email address as an email with a confirmation link will be sent to the provided email address. After you confirm your account, you will be able to log in.

2. Create a Database

Once you login head to the Databases section using the link in the top navigation bar. This will open the "Database manager" page. Look for the "Create new database" button. Clicking it will open a modal dialog, which will allow you to create a new database with a title and description of your choice. You may select between an SQL database or a KVS (Key Value Store) database.

3. Create an API Access Key

Remote access to the database via the API is provided via access keys. After you create a database, you will see a new button "Keys". Click on it and you will be able to manage the API access keys for the specified database. You may create new keys and delete existing ones.

4. Manage the Database

For ease of use an online graphical user interface is provided by SQLiteDB. You can access it from the "Database manager" page in your dashboard.

5. Access the SQL Databases via the API

So you have your SQLite database and access key ready, let's start using the databse via the API? You may find the API URL for your database on the "Database manager" page.

- Lets create a new table: TABLE "demo" ("Id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "FirstName" text NOT NULL, "LastName" text NOT NULL);

- Let's insert some data into the database: INTO demo (FirstName,LastName) VALUES (''Tom','Sawer')

- Let's query the database: * FROM demo

6. Access the KVS (Key Value Store) Databases via the API

So you have your SQLite database and access key ready, let's start using the databse via the API? You may find the API URL for your database on the "Database manager" page.

- Lets set a key value pair:

- Let's retrieve a value for a key:

- Let's delete a key